JEAZ The bump and grind of daily SysAdmin life


Set Network Access Permission with PowerShell natively!

On the Active Directory Dial-in tab there is a section titled Network Access Permission which many VPN systems use to control access on a per-account basis.

You can set the value of this property using native PowerShell commands!

Get-ADUser -Filter {samaccountname -eq "AccountNameHere"} -SearchBase "OU=Some OU, DC=domain, DC=local" | Set-ADUser -Clear msNPAllowDialIn

Get-ADUser -Filter {samaccountname -eq "AccountNameHere"} -SearchBase "OU=Some OU, DC=domain, DC=local" | Set-ADUser -Add @{msNPAllowDialIn=$FALSE}

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Cannot complete the configuration of the vSphere HA agent on the host. Misconfiguration in the host setup.

Today when adding a host to a cluster in vCenter I received this nearly useless error

Reconfigure vSphere HA host [host] Cannot complete the configuration of the vSphere HA agent on the host. Misconfiguration in the host setup.

vCenter Server hasn't been told the SHA1 SSL thumbprint is verified to be trusted.
Here are the steps to correct the problem

  1. In vSphere Client go to the Administration menu and select "vCenter Server Settings..."
  2. Click the "SSL Settings" tab on the left side
  3. Place a check mark in the "Verified" box for all your hosts you wish to configure for HA
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